Getting clients doesn’t have to be complicated. Grab my top 5 email scripts to boost your email reply rate fast and easily. 

One of my top strategies for attracting clients is through strategic email communication—a method that has worked wonders for both me and my clients. I’m excited for you to try it too!

Sometimes, the simplest approaches yield the best results. 


Below, you’ll find five of my personal email scripts that you can adapt and use to expand your client base. Let’s dive in:

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Personal Outreach: Revitalize your connections.
  • Referral Requests: Tap into the power of your network.
  • Warm Welcomes: Make every new contact feel special.
  • Direct Sales Pitches: Get straight to the point with confidence.
  • Persistent Follow-ups: Keep the conversation going until you get a ‘yes’!


Each of these email scripts is crafted to cut through the noise and strike a chord with your recipients. Imagine sending out emails and getting responses faster than you can keep up with. It’s totally possible!


Here’s how to get started….

  1. Go through each template carefully. 
  2. Decide which template you want to send first.
  3. Do Not copy and paste these emails, instead rewrite and tweak them to address your clients’ needs and concerns and write them in your tonality!


Email script to boost Reply Rate


Not sure what I mean by tonality? Grab my free cheat sheet with 50 examples of different tones to write your content. Grab it here!


Email Script #1: “New product or business launch”

One of my first steps in building my business was to tell everyone I knew about my new business.

Consider everyone you know as potential bridges to new clients. Here’s how to tap into that pre-existing network effectively.

Subject: Big News I’m Excited to Share!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

After much anticipation, I’m eager to share some exciting news with you! You’re among the first I’m telling about my new venture—a [industry-specific] business that perfectly aligns with my passions and skills.

I’m now looking to connect with new clients who could benefit from my services. I  [what you do] who are [how you can help them].

Maybe you know someone who fits this description? If so, please feel free to pass this email along.

For more details or if you’re interested yourself, feel free to reply to this email. I’d love to catch up and discuss further.

Thanks a million, [Your Name]


Email Script #2: Referral Request from Past Clients

Your happy clients are your best advocates. Here’s how I ask for their help in growing my clientele.


Subject: {name} Can I ask a small favor?

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

I hope this note finds you well. I’m reaching out because I have a few spots open for new clients. And I immediately thought of you. You were an ideal client because [mention specific reason], and I’m looking for more people like you.

Could you introduce me to one or two individuals who might need my services? I value your judgment and would appreciate any referrals you might have.

Thanks ever so much, [Your Name]


Email Script #3: Personal Welcome to New Subscribers

Adding a personal touch to welcome emails can transform subscribers into clients. Here’s my approach.

Subject: Welcome—And Thank You!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

Thanks for joining [describe the freebie or subscription]. I want to personally welcome you—yes, this is really me, not an autoresponder!

Many subscribers have questions about [topics], which I love to address. Feel free to email me with any questions or just to chat!

I’m here to help and look forward to our journey together.

Warm regards, [Your Name]


Email Script #4: Direct Sales Email

Sometimes, a direct approach is best. Here’s how I pitch my services effectively to my list.

Subject: Ready for a Transformation?

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

Many [who this addresses] strive for [specific goal] but feel stuck despite their best efforts. If this resonates with you, I have good news.

I specialize in helping individuals like you achieve [desired outcome]. I’m excited to offer a personal strategy session where we focus on achieving real results.

Ready to make a change? Book a free 30-minute discovery call here: [insert link].

Looking forward to collaborating, [Your Name]


Email Script #5: Follow-Up Email

Persistence pays off. Here’s how I keep in touch with potential leads to eventually win them over.

Subject: Was Thinking About You!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

I came across this article [link to article] and immediately thought of our last conversation about [topic]. How have you been?

Are you still working towards [goal]? I’m here to help in any way I can, so let’s catch up soon.

Looking forward to your thoughts on the article,

[Your Name]


To Win Clients…

…you need to send these email scripts. So plan your approach, draft your message, and start sending them—success is just an email away!


P.S. Make sure you don’t miss out on signing up for my blog filled to the brim with exclusive tips and time-saving strategies to build your dream business!


 P.S.S. Do you need help building and monetizing your online business? Join Empowering Women Get started today!

