Ever find yourself frustrated with dark video calls? I totally get it—I’ve been there! When I first started, no one told me about the importance of good lighting and camera quality. My videos looked dark, and I had no clue about filters. Let’s just say, it was a bit of a mess!

Have you ever been on a Zoom call and noticed how bright and clear the other participants looked? Well, I’m going to let you in on their secret. 

I’ve put together some super simple tips to help you tackle poor lighting and webcam quality. 

Imagine having bright, clear video calls that make you look and feel professional every single time.

In my latest blog post, I cover:

  • Quick fixes for dark video calls
  • How to boost your webcam quality
  • Essential tools to make your home office shine

Ready to transform your video calls and make a great impression? 

Let’s dive into the 5 must-have tools to Look like a Pro on Camera elevate your business setup and make your life a whole lot easier.

I’m going to share 5 tools I believe every business owner needs, even if you’re just starting out.

Brightly lit home office setup for professional video calls

  1. Ring Light

Imagine hopping on a video call and looking like a pro with perfect lighting. A ring light does just that! It provides even, flattering light that makes you look your best, no matter the time of day. Say goodbye to dark video calls. A ring light is especially great if you often have virtual meetings on Zoom or create content for social media. This is a must-have!


    2. Webcam

Sure, your laptop has a built-in camera, but an external webcam can significantly boost your video quality. A high-definition webcam ensures you appear crisp and clear, making your online interactions more engaging. It’s a small investment with a big payoff in professionalism. With this webcam, you don’t even need a filter, I swear I look 10 years younger on camera. 

Plus, it’s super easy to set up. If you’ve known me for any length of time you know I’m not a techy person. Believe me, if I can do it so can you.

  1. Microphone

Ever been on a call where the other person sounds like they’re speaking from a tunnel? A good quality microphone eliminates that issue. It ensures your voice is heard loud and clear, which is crucial for effective communication. Whether it’s for podcasting, video calls, or recording tutorials, a microphone is a game-changer. 

Just plug it into your computer and you’re set to go. 

  1. Large Monitor

A large monitor can boost your productivity by giving you more screen real estate to work with. Whether you’re editing videos, designing graphics, or managing multiple tasks, a bigger screen helps you stay organized and efficient. Plus, it’s easier on the eyes, reducing strain during those long workdays.

Let me tell you this 34” monitor  is a game-changer: In the beginning, I used my laptop which is a small screen and constantly had to minimize windows and pull up the screen I needed. It took me forever to get my work done. Now, with my 34″ monitor, I can pull up 3-4 screens at the same time. It’s a massive productivity boost! I can have my email, project management tool, research documents, and video pulled up all at once. It makes multitasking so much easier and faster.

  1. Box Lighting

Box lighting is another fantastic tool to improve your workspace lighting. It’s particularly useful if you’re working in a room with little filtered light coming in. Box lights diffuse light evenly, reducing harsh shadows and giving a more polished look to your videos or photos. I have two in my office and have them on every time I get on a Zoom call or when recording my video training.

I bought this  box light kit about 7 years ago and never had to replace a bulb. 


There you have it – the top 5 business items you need to set yourself up for success. Investing in a ring light, webcam, box lighting, microphone, and large monitor will not only improve your productivity but also enhance your professional persona.

Have any questions? Replay to this blog – I’m here to help!

Your Friend,



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P.S.S. Don’t forget to grab my Bi-Weekly blog where I share my best business tips and strategies.