So how do you know when is the best time to post on Instagram?  How do you know when people are engaging with your posts?

When you’re posting on Instagram you don’t want to just randomly post to your feed. You need to be strategic so that you are making the best use of your time.

Before we get started you will need a business Instagram account. If you have a personal account, you can always switch over to a business account or you can start a separate business account.

First, you need to know your audience. Everyone’s audience is different. For instance, if your ideal customer is a stay-at-home mom, she may be online in the middle of the day while the kids are down for a nap. Maybe your ideal customer has a 9-5 job and only plays on Instagram in the early morning or when they get home from work. Knowing your ideal customer’s habits will help you determine when you should be posting.

If you have a business account, you have access to Insights. This is a great place to get a quick snapshot of when your followers are interacting with you.

Here’s how to get that information:

When is the Best Times to Post on Instagram-Cheryl Phan

There are two ways you can get your insights. You can just click on where it says insight on your home page, or you can go to the top right corner. I’m going to show you the second option.

Go to the top right corner of your Instagram page and click on the (Hamburger sign) that’s the three lines you see her on the picture above.

When is the Best Times to Post on Instagram-Cheryl Phan

Click on the tab that says Insights. If you don’t see it that means you don’t have a business account.

When is the Best Times to Post on Instagram

Scroll down and click on “Your Audience”

When is the Best Times to Post on Instagram

Once you are in there, scroll down to the bottom where it says “Most Active Times”

You will see bars that look like this.

Before we look at what time to post we need to see what days we should be looking at.

As you can see in the insights above, it’s consistent across the week. Yours may differ. If you’re posting 3 times a week, select the days you want to post. Example: M-W-F.

When is the Best Times to Post on Instagram

Now let’s look at what time to post on Instagram. Toggle over to “Hours” and look at each day of the week separately.  To get the numbers to appear over the graph just tap on it. To change the days of the week, tap on the arrows between the weekdays.

You may notice that Mondays at 6 pm has more engagement than Wednesdays at 6 pm and so on.

Look and see what days and times work best for you and post on those days at that time. I would suggest that you post 2-3 times a week on the same schedule because the algorithm likes consistency.

Try it for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Try different times and days to post.

As I mentioned, you need to know your customer and when they are most likely to be on their social media platform. Everyone’s audience is different.

The key is to post consistently and post when your audience is online.



P.S. You can also join “Empowering Women” my monthly coaching group where I teach women how to make money online doing what they love.

P.S.S. Are you ready to turn your hobby into an online business?  Get the details HERE

Hope to see you here!



When is the Best Times to Post on Instagram